
Selling a business involves planning, valuing, and negotiating the sale. You can consider working with a lawyer, accountant, and broker to help you through the process. 


  • Create an exit strategyConsider your personal goals, like retirement, when planning to sell 
  • Organize financial recordsGather accounting records and financial statements 
  • Document operationsKeep a record of your business's operations
  • Prepare for due diligenceAnticipate the buyer's research and analysis of your business


  • Calculate the valueYour business's value is often based on its profits and turnover
  • Consider personal expenses: Smaller businesses may have personal expenses that could affect the sale
  • Be accurateMake sure the information you provide about your business is true 
  • Work with a brokerA broker can help you set a price, understand the valuation, and negotiate with buyers 
  • Structure the saleDecide whether to sell the business as a share sale or an asset sale 
  • Prepare legal documentsYou may need a contract or other legal documents to finalize the sale 
  • Hire a lawyerA lawyer can help review or prepare the paperwork